Physical fitness is a general concept that is defined in many ways by different scientists. According to health and wellness scientist C.J. Caspersen, physical fitness generally refers to to a set of health-related attributes (referring to athletic ability). There are two major categories considered when it comes to physical fitness:

1. General Fitness

2. Specific Fitness

General Fitness: It could be described as a state of good health and well-being.

Specific Fitness: It is task-oriented based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupation.

Physical fitness can generally be achieved through nutrition,correct hygiene, rest and exercise. It can also be defined as a set of attributes that people have that relates to ability to perform physical activity. Physical fitness is very beneficial to the body. Its benefits are numerous and they include:

• Better Health
• Greater and improved strength
• Flexibility
• Increase in energy
• Improved physical appearance
• Positive attitude and mood

Regular exercise can lead to both immediate and long-term benefits. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the morbidity and mortality from many chronic diseases like heart disease, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, metabollic syndrome. The benefits of fitness far out-weighs the inconvenience posed by regular exercises. To reap the maximum benefits, your program should include five main components which are – cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscle strength.

– CardioVascular Endurance: It refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to fuel your body with oxygen. The “Cooper Run” is most often used to test cardiovascular endurance. Aerobic conditioning like jogging, swimming, and cycling can also help improve cardiovascular endurance.

– Muscle Strength: Muscle strength refers to the amount of force a muscle can exert, in a single effort. Exercises like the bench press, leg press, or bicep curl are used to measure muscle strength.

– Muscle Endurance: Refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a continuous effort without fatiguing. Cycling, step machines, and situp tests are often used to measure muscular endurance.

– Flexibility: It is the ability of each joint to express its full range of motion. Flexibility can be tested by stretching individual muscles or by performing exercises such as ‘the lunge’ or the ‘sit-and-reach’.

Steps to Improve Physical

1. Motivation: Find something to make you want to improve your physical fitness. Write down a target on what you will achieve by improving you fitness.

2. Start: Eat healthier foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, etc. Also, eat at the right time of the day. Drinking lots of water too will keep you hydrated. It can also lead to weight loss.

3. Exercise Daily: Always do stretches before you exercise because if you don’t, you might sustain a muscular injury. You are likely to pull a hamstring or feel pains.

4. Exercise late in the Day: Do the occasional set of push-ups, sit-ups, star-jumps etc.

With numerous benefits on offer from engaging in physical fitness exercises, more and more people are likely to join gyms, fitness clubs, e.t.c.

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